Bethel Mission Church ministry was pioneered by Pastor John Saravanam. It was a very humble beginning way back in 1952 with 25 people under a thatched roof with mud walls.

Pastor Frank Godberg John took over the ministry at the age of 25 in 1979 heeding to God’s call. The LORD who hears prayers, who listens to the cry of the poor has been blessing this ministry throughout.


Bethel Family Photo

Rev. Frank Godberg John is our Senior Pastor, he has been faithfully serving the Lord and HIS people since 1979. The Lord has blessed his work and his family. Pastor Godberg has a heavy burden for our town, Kolar Gold Fields and has put in lot of efforts for the spiritual, economical and social welfare of the town. He has been a PRAYER WARRIOR and a great moral support for the Congregation.

Sis. Gladys Godberg has been a great support for the Ministry. She helps in coordinating various events, leads the teen choir at Church and is a great source of encouragement. She also has a helping heart for the poor and the needy. 

The Growing Congregation

The Church which functioned in an old store house with hardly 150 people until 1983, has presently grown to a larger extent. The LORD who is faithful to HIS servants did not forsake us. the LORD helped to construct a larger sanctuary, presently 4 services are held every Sunday morning and bi-lingual service in the evening.

There has been a visible growth in the expansion of the ministry in various directions. Our Church by God’s Grace now has over 30 branches in various parts of the country. This Ministry doesn’t stop at just preaching God’s word, it also involves feeding the hunger, educating the poor, helping the widows and various other social work. Around 120 families are being supported through our Ministry. Though we have faced a lot of hardships and financial crisis, the Lord has showered spiritual blessings continuously.

This Ministry exists only by God’s Grace, Mercy and FAITH. FAITH has brought us thus far and FAITH will help us carry on.

God has Blessed our Ministry with:

750+ Families

30+ Branches

45+ Pastors

99+ Kids in our Care

Different Facets of the Ministry


Children Ministry


Child 3


Computer Institute


Old Mother Honour




Fully packed church with young children and young adults


Feeding Hunger


Medical Aid
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